Taylor is currently trying out all kinds of communication lately, and most of it is HILARIOUS. He has a couple of things going on right now to let us know how he feels about something. First off, he's learned to blow raspberries, and does it different ways, with somewhat different intonation (who knew!) to express how he feels about something..
For instance, when his diaper is poopie, and he wants to let me know what's in there, he furrows his eyebrows and blows raspberries with his tongue.
When he greatly dislikes something, say the wind hitting his face or the snow making him cold, he blows raspberries with just his lips. He does the same action when I'm cleaning his ears, when I'm suctioning his nose, usually moments before he starts to all out cry.
And when he's happy, he giggles, jumps and jolts his body up and down, and blows raspberries at such times as when Francis first walks in the door and says hello to him. It's plain adorable.
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